Monday, March 4, 2013

Moving Venomous Snakes - Best Tools of the Trade

As wildlife biologists, my wife and I are called upon to move many venomous snakes each year as a part of our job or as favors to friends and neighbors. As herpetologists we capture snakes, identify them, weigh and measure them, sex them and then release them in a safe area away from buildings and roads. To accomplish this we must use a variety of professional snake handling equipment, always keeping in mind that many cases of snakebite occur when "professionals" or "experts" become complacent. We always attempt to minimize the danger to us by minimizing the actual touch time with the snake and the use of quality snake handling equipment. Experience has shown us the value of having the best equipment available for our job. A snake hook or tong that bends under the weight of a good sized Western Diamondback Rattlesnake is not a good tool to have in your arsenal. The equipment that we use is designed with our safety and that of the snake in mind. Our hooks and tongs are made of aircraft quality aluminum so it would take quite an ordeal to damage them.

We are often asked what the best tool for moving snakes, especially venomous snakes would be. The simple answer would be brains! Inexperienced people should not be moving venomous snakes and if you cannot tell if it is venomous or not, leave it alone. The best course of action would be to simply enjoy the snake in its habitat and when you are done, walk away. If a snake must be moved we recommend a hook and tong combination. Commercial snake hooks range in size from 24 to about 50 inches in length while commercial snake tongs range from about 24 to 60 inches in length. With tongs, shorter is better as far as control, but we do realize that most people are not comfortable getting that close to a venomous snake. The longer the tong is, the harder it is to handle. In order to lift an adult rattlesnake with a 52 or 60 inch tong, most people would have to use a second hand on the shaft which would negate the advantage of the longer tong. Long tongs are better utilized for pulling snakes out from under bushes or buildings. Keeping these things in mind, we recommend the use of a 40 in snake hook and 40 inch snake tong for lifting snakes. The tong should have the widest jaw grip possible as this disperses pressure over a greater surface area of the snake's body, eliminating the possibility of direct pressure between individual ribs and reducing the risk of injury to the snake. The wider, more gentle jaw also allows for faster gripping which is a great advantage for handling or capturing species of water snake or tree dwelling snakes which are notoriously fast and difficult to restrain.

Before you attempt to capture a snake be sure that you have a secure container with the lid off and ready to receive the snake. For this purpose, coolers and open buckets are not good choices. We use 5 gallon dog food buckets with screw top lids which are available in many pet stores. We drill air holes in the lid and and attach a handle which will allow us to screw the lid on tight. Always remember not to put your fingers near the air holes as rattlesnakes and other venomous snakes can strike through the holes.

To move or capture a snake the snake should be grabbed with the tong in the first third of the body behind the head. This allows for control. The hook should then be utilized in the back half of the snake for support. If you happen to grab the snake in the tail half with the tong, you can use the hook to pin the snake's head down until you can manipulate the tong to the correct end of the snake. Several companies now make collapsible snake hooks for easy transport during travel or hiking in the field. Do not use these hooks for pinning snakes down during capture. They are made for lifting and moving the snake, not pinning and they may come loose at the joints if pressure is placed on them during the pinning process with nasty results if the snake is hostile or venomous. After confining the snake in your container it may be taken and released at a safe site away from buildings and roads.

Whether you are working with snakes in the field or with caged specimens in your reptile room, having the proper snake handling equipment is important for both you and the snake. Be smart. Spend a little more for a quality, safe product.

Collecting Antique Toys

You may have your favorite childhood toy. Like your favorite toy train that you kept near your bed. These items nowadays can bring back the old memories of your childhood and the happy moments when you were still a kid playing your favorite toy.

These days, you will find antique toy collectors converting his entire basement, room, garage or a part of the living room into a miniature train set with complete resemblance of trees, bridges, and streams. However, this hobby could be expensive because of the set up you will need.

Fortunately, an expensive train set can offer lucrative profits in return. Because of its antiqueness and the memory it evokes, it can be sold at a more expensive price for toy train collectors. In fact, a pre-World War 2 Mickey Mouse collection set was auctioned for the amount of $1500.00.

Usually, a person may purchase a toy because he wants his children to play with toys. Another reason could be collecting and preserving a particular time manufactured only for a limited time.

Enthusiasm is one key element when you are collecting antique toys. You may come to a point where you are more than willing to pay any amount for the last piece needed to complete your toy collection. Others also opt to purchase a particular antique toy that has defined its formative years of existence. For example, the first ever Batman comic book has an auctioned price of approximately $10,000.00.

Factors that you have to look at when you prefer collecting antique toys is the condition and years of existence of the toy you will purchase. A particular antique toy that is still in good condition will certainly become scarce and may have a high asking price in some point in time.

Toys that are still sealed in their original boxes are the most expensive. These are called toys which are in their mint condition. Toys that were already opened and used could be less valuable because they may have lost their quality. Storing toys in a dust free environment is highly recommended.

But if you prefer to handle, clean and display them outside their storage area. Make sure that you use cotton gloves in transferring your toys. This is to prevent any dirt or oil from your hands to tarnish or damage the surface portion of the toys.

Toys that are widely popular and well recognized are safer purchases compared to the items that are only recognized for a limited time. The shortages and fads that made the toys appealing and popular for short periods may not have the same appeal and attraction when you talk about long term.

Those popular Tickle Me Elmo Dolls that were really in demand were selling with an added thousand dollars of its original selling price right before Christmas. The best way to invest on toys, such as in cases like this, is to purchase directly to the manufacturer of these toys.

If you are really into antique toy collecting, you may search web sites for informative guides on the current auction prices of the more widely popular antique toys. The internet is also a great place for sellers and buyers in this kind of market.

A Little Bit of Magic Goes a Long Way - Magic Of Making Up Review

We live in a time when books are being written about any subject your mind can think of, from how the universe was created to mowing machines and setting up a website. So why not come up with a book subject on the magic of making up? There is always room for improvement when it comes to interpersonal relationships as long as we keep an open mind and an eye out for the details.

T.W. Jackson must have been truly inspired when he decided to write about all the unconventional ways to help you get your partner back. The message he is trying to send to all the broken hearted persons out there is that even though relationships don't always run smoothly, there is still hope when we refer to solving all the issues that seem to have taken the two of you to different places. In his famous book entitled "The Magic of Making Up", the author reveals a number of very effective techniques to mend a broken heart. This book is really useful for those who are experiencing the excruciating pain of a break up and the lack of clear judgment under such stressful situations. It prevents people from doing even more harm to their chances of reconciliation, and it also steps in and acts like a helpful damage control system.

The paper underlines the necessity of a different mentality when approaching the delicate matter and a change in attitude. The same behavior won't bring much of a change between your ex and you. It teaches us how to reinvent ourselves and how to reinvent the concept of a successful long-term relationship. "The magic of making up" is all about guiding you step by step through the do's and don'ts on the way to getting your ex back. Things you should never do after a break up: call your ex too many times in one day, spy on them, try convincing them that you are the best thing that ever happened to them, freak out when you accidentally bump into them, beg for forgiveness or act defensive.

The author offers his readers precious advice on what exactly should they be apologizing for and the proper way to do so, how to reignite the flame and bring the passion back where it belongs, how to use the magic of making up techniques figure out the best things to do and say to get that other chance from your ex lover, how to create a strong bond and how to consolidate your relationship once again. Another secret is to appreciate your ex and don't be afraid to express yourself freely. The book teaches you to let go of your troubled past and start a whole new journey with the person you feel like spending the rest of your life with.

Mend the broken heart of your ex and get your love life back on track by simply going through the 62 pages of "The Magic of Making Up". Follow the guiding advices and learn to apply the general rule that actions speak louder than words. Give yourself and your partner the chance to a new beginning and a happily ever after end to that own little miracle your love life is.

What The Internet Marketing Gurus Are Doing That You Are Not

Do you want to join the well known gurus like Terry Dean, Willie Crawford, Jimmy D. Brown, Micheal Green, Jim Daniels, etc in bringing highly targeted visitors to your website weekly without spending a dime in adverts?

If yes, then write articles and send to article directories, article banks, article announcement lists and ezine editors on a constant basis.

Terry Dean uses it consistently to bring highly targeted traffic to his websites. At one time he said that he could stop advertising and writing TODAY and still will generate well over 50% of his traffic for years to come...all because of free articles.

Micheal Green confessed that he is making thousands of dollars in sales, for each article that he writes. He also said that EVERY leading marketer that he knows includes "article writing" in their TOP THREE most-used promotional strategies.

Willie Crawford said anytime he writes, his articles are published on many other websites, so each article becomes a mini-system which continues to bring in new site visitors and subscribers for YEARS.

Jim Daniels even calls writing article his "web traffic magnet" because it brought him 8,000 visitors per month in just his second month of existence. Now it contributes in bringing him over 100,000 visitors a month... without fail.

Jim Edwards revealed that he recently received 23,234 targeted visits (which converted to $5,864.41 in sales) in just 1 month from over 1,651 different sources - many of which came from his articles.

Jimmy D. Brown said you can write an article in half an hour, send it out to publishers and *literally* have your article in front of tens of thousands of subscribers in as little as a few hours.

Shelley Lowery advised that by writing articles and allowing them to be freely published, they will have the potential to be viewed by millions of Internet users!

All these Internet marketing gurus cannot be wrong about the potentials of writing and sending articles.

It actually works.

I can go on and on showing you how the well known Internet gurus are using articles to bring highly targeted traffic to their sites that translates to thousands of dollars in sales month after month, but I am sure you get the point.

To join them in making good use of this free but highly effective Internet marketing technique, do the following:

First, write an article around your key target topic or around any of your products. Make sure the article is very helpful and would be enjoyable to anyone who reads it.

Secondly, take the time to edit the article to make sure it is devoid of grammatical and spelling mistakes.

Thirdly, get a large collection of article directories, article banks, article announcement lists and ezine publishers to send the article to.

A few article directories/banks to submit are: [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []

When you have succeeded in sending your article to at least 100 directories/banks, announcement lists and as many ezine publishers related to your topic, you can then sit back and watch your website traffic increase consistently... and ultimately your sales.

If you still want to know more about the potentials of writing articles and exactly how to get started, download a free ebook here:

The ebook contains expert tips by well known gurus about the How and Why of article writing and submission. It will show you all you need to learn to start profiting from article writing and submission.

Publishers, you are welcome to reprint this article in its entirety provided you retain the below resource box and include this notice, plus I will appreciate if you can notify me of the day(s) you will be running it.

Common Types of Medical Negligence Cases

This article examines some of the most frequently experienced types of medical negligence cases.

Birth Injury Claims.

Sadly birth injury claims are definitely some of the most common medical negligence claims that we see. At a period in their lives where parents should be looking forward to the arrival of a baby they also need to be wary. So what are the potential problems with birth injury claims? Here are the most common complications:

* » Injuries to the baby, including Cerebral Palsy, Brachial Plexus Injury or Infant Death.

* » Injuries to the mother, including Vaginal Tears and Episiotomy Complications.

With any birth injury complications it is important to raise any concerns about the treatment (or lack of it) at the time of the birth so that immediate action can be taken to help the baby or the mother.

Failure To Diagnose.

Failure to diagnose a serious medical condition (such as cancer) is another common cause of medical negligence cases. The failed diagnosis, or late diagnosis can cause potentially fatal consequences as treatment that might have cured or delayed the onset of the condition may no longer be successful. This can lead to increased pain and suffering for the victim which can lead to a claim for compensation.

These types of cases can be particularly stressful for the victim if they have been complaining of symptoms for sometime and the doctor or surgeon has not been quick to correctly diagnose the illness.

Untreated Fractures.

Another common medical negligence case involves the failure by a doctor or hospital to correctly diagnose a fracture, or the failure to diagnose a fracture at all. This can lead to the patient causing further damage to the bone in question, and if the failure to diagnose the fracture relates to a neck or back fracture this can have dire consequences.

A second opinion can often correct the situation where a patient is continuing to complain of severe pain whilst a fracture remains undiagnosed and untreated.


Perhaps one of the most distressing types of medical negligence case occur when a wrong amputation takes place. This can be as simple as the hospital removing the wrong leg or arm, or a limb being amputated only to discover at a later date that there was no need for it to be removed.

Hospital Superbugs.

In recent years there has been a lot of news and stories about hospital superbugs. The two most common types of superbug are MRSA and C Difficile (commonly referred to as C Diff). The lack of cleanliness of the hospitals is the main reason that a medical negligence claim can subsequently be made. The Government has set new targets to improve cleanliness and remove the incidences of Hospital Superbugs contaminating patients whilst in hospital and this is slowly reducing the number of medical negligence cases.


There are many different types of medical negligence claims, but the ones listed here are certainly amongst the most common ones. One important consideration is that thankfully most people attend hospitals for their treatment and return home without any complications or problems.

How to Stay Free and Clear of Cancer

Few diseases in today's world are as feared as cancer. People believe that it strikes at random, and there is little they can do to protect themselves. Luckily there are many steps you can take in your life that will drastically reduce your risk of developing this disease. Even if you are genetically inclined to get cancer, there are actions you can take to protect yourself and minimize your risks.

The first step is understanding what cancer is. Cancer is a condition that can form in most areas of the body. Simply put, cancer occurs when your body's cells begin to multiply rapidly and erratically, causing what is known as a tumor in an area of the body. The cancer cells can metastasize to other parts of the body. This means cancerous cells break off the original tumor and travel to other areas of the body causing even more tumors. Once cancer has metastasized it becomes much more difficult to treat effectively.

Now you're probably wondering what steps you can take to prevent cancer from taking over your body. One of the best ways to keep your body's cells from becoming cancerous is to detoxify your body. Toxins that are trapped in the body create the perfect environment for the development and rapid growth of cancer.

Detoxification can be accomplished through many methods. One easy way to detoxify is to take 2oz of fresh wheatgrass juice daily, along with lots of extra water. This will purge many detrimental toxins that are lingering in your system, just waiting to cause serious health problems. You should continue this for at least three months, to allow all of the toxins to be flushed. Wheatgrass makes the body much more alkaline, and cancer cannot survive in highly alkaline environments. Detoxification is incredibly beneficial, however, if your diet is poor and inconsistent toxins will build up again and you will be back where you started. Consider making wheatgrass a permanent addition to you diet and taking the next step below.

A healthy, balanced diet is a highly effective, preventative measure against cancer. It is clear that a very poor diet, filled with processed fats and chemicals, is extremely hard on the body. The unhealthy fats and chemicals consumed in a poor diet allow cells to become weak and eventually cancerous. If you feed your body healthy, natural foods, not only will you feel significantly better, but you will have much less risk of many diseases including cancer.

A good diet has lots of raw fruits and vegetables along with a good variety of healthy meats such as fish and chicken. You should absolutely avoid processed fats, which are so commonly used in fast food establishments. These fats are unbelievably unhealthy, and they drastically up your risk for serious disease.

Next in cancer prevention is a steady exercise plan. Body's that are regularly exercised are simply much more healthy and disease resistant than sedentary bodies. If you are serious about preventing cancer you won't take this lightly. Exercise does wonders for your physical health. It ups your immune system, making every part of your body more efficient and healthy.

If you have been sedentary for much of your life, don't worry. Simply start exercising today, and continue for the rest of your life. Do this regularly, and you will quickly become a believer in the healing abilities of exercise. Start small and work your way up to at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. If you have a hard time exercising because of joint pain, try swimming. Exercising in water will relieve most of the pressure on your joints. Simply find a plan that works for you and stick to it religiously.

After detoxifying your body, improving your diet, and exercising regularly, you only need to be aware of a few more things. Watch out for too much sun. People who tan frequently are more likely to develop skin cancer. This doesn't mean you should never tan or be in the sun. It simply means don't over do it.

Be aware of environmental causes of cancer. Radon gas, asbestos, and anything radioactive will increase your risk of cancer greatly. Simply be alert to the hazards you may be living near and deal with them accordingly.

If you or someone you know already has cancer, here is what to do apart from what your doctor recommends. Begin taking 2oz of wheatgrass per day along with 3oz of VIBE from Eniva. This will tremendously boost your body's ability to fight off the cancer.

Four hundred cases of stage four terminal cancers have gone into remission or disappeared entirely using very high doses of Vibe. The wheatgrass strengthens and amplifies the effects of this treatment by increasing blood oxygen levels and alkalizing the body.

If you put into practice what you have read here you will be rewarded with a vibrant, healthy body that performs its best and is resistant to cancer and other life threatening diseases.

Find out more about Vibe at

Acupuncture, Understanding Some of the Risks and the Benefits

Generally, societies based on science will be positive about the ideas associated with acupuncture and their effectiveness. Since this ancient art has become more widely acknowledged in the preceding decade, it's still a routine that's not altogether comprehended by western society. By seeing how the technique is performed, the potential side effects and the results, you'll be able to decide if this ancient Chinese practice of medicine is suitable for you.

Having acupuncture practiced, notwithstanding what a lot of people believe, isn't as painful as it seems. Acupuncture is commonly painless as you're experiencing the procedure. Typically, the effects are no more detectable than a mosquito bite, but even this is believed to be uncommon. More than likely, carrying out the procedure of acupuncture can either afford you additional vitality or induce you to decompress into a state of meditation.

Throughout the process, you can anticipate the acupuncturist to be equipped with numerous useful items. The needle that's employed could commonly be one inch to a couple of inches in length. The needles used are made from silver that has been sterilized, copper or stainless steel and are regarded as safe by the equivalent criteria utilised by many hospitals.

In an effort to make sure that the needles will be sterilized properly, there are various organizations that determine how this is being done. The National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine has a particular section that sees to it that every needle that is utilised is safe and sterile. Whenever you need to be sure, you will be able to ascertain if the acupuncturist you attend has a CNT, which is known as a Clean Needle Technique Certification. A CNT can see to it that there isn't any troubles concerning the process that may cause additional health concerns.

Naturally, there is still the possibility that other risks could come about. Compared to alternative operations, acupuncture isn't as hazardous. The severest trouble that could happen is a perforated organ. However, this is extremely rare in just about every practice. This is the sole serious risk a person could encounter. After a treatment there is the possibility of minor side effects which could be things like lightheadedness, bruising or nausea.

Whenever you're turning over the idea of an alternative medicine such as acupuncture, you'll likewise need to be sure you are aware of precisely what you're undertaking. The good news is that, acupuncture is believed to be to be a dependable and safe operation, also known to be helpful in easing any sort of instability or misdirected qi. Prior to heading into this ancient Chinese practice of medicine, you'll need to understand the routine and the potential results.

This article is meant to be informative only, and does not go into the detail that acupuncture deserves; please see a practitioner of Chinese medicine for more information.

Professional Indemnity Insurance - Feel Free to Give More Advice

The professional indemnity insurance is a kind of liability insurance which protects the corporate from the several claims put by their clients. Every professional or company wants to provide more and more to its clients and customers to offer more satisfaction. So sometimes in the race of providing more services, they land up in giving false advice or products. The advice if harms the clients then the company will be liable for any financial or physical loss of the client. This is called as professional indemnity insurance policy. The examples include if any accountant forgets to keep a record of financial status of any client then the client can sue the accountant.

All professionals who take the help of this policy include accountants, medical advisors, financial planners, marketers, web-designers and private bankers. Along with this it also includes architects, engineers, graphic-designers, doctors and lawyers. They all ensure themselves that they do not have to worry anymore about their getting bankrupt. However, the professional indemnity insurance policy will not benefit in case if some person shifts to other insurer and still is in contact with old insurer. If old one gets to know about the new or vice-versa then the policy is expected to be cancelled.

However, in the beginning the premiums are high. There are very limited amount of organizations which provide these services. Therefore, a person must go to an insurance advisor and ask for the best insurance providing company and also about the type of insurance one should go for. Thus, this insurance gives protection against the harm that can be done by the professional to the client. This insurance policy thus acts as a cover.

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